Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

Kekagetan Warga Sukabumi Terhadap Ayu Azhari

Warga Sukabumi tak menyangka artis Ayu Azhari bakal maju Wabup. Kontroversi seputar calon Wabup seksi pun menjadi buah bibir menjelang Pilkada.

"Oh ya? Wah baru denger, tapi kayaknya nggak pas deh kalau Ayu Azhari jadi Wakil Bupati," begitulah reaksi seorang Ibu rumah tangga sekaligus pengusaha muda Elis Elasan (30) kepada INILAH.COM di Sukabumi, Jumat (25/12), saat mengetahui Ayu bakal menjadi cawabupnya.

Ayu Azhari Calon Wakil Bupati Sukabumi telah membuat masyarakat Sukabumi agak kaget dan tidak percaya. Ayu Azhari yang selama ini dikenal sebagai salah seorang bintang panas dan seksi serta berani tampil nyaris tak berbusana, akan mencalonkan diri sebagai Calon Wakil Bupati di daerah mereka. Selain iklan reklame, kampanye dan sosialisasi pencalonan Ayu Azhari yang bernama asli Siti Khodijah itu, belum tampak terpampang di sudut kota terluas di Jawa Barat itu. Padahal, Ayu sudah resmi mendaftar menajadi cawabup melalui PDIP mendampingi Cabup Heriyanto.

"Ayu bukan asli sini, dan track recordnya dulu kan artis seksi jadi mana tahu masalah di Sukabumi," kata Elis.

Terlebih, Ayu Azhari tidak menunjukkan prestasi khususnya dalam kehidupan sosialita. Menurutnya, populer saja tidak cukup membawa seseorang menjadi pemimpin yang disenangi rakyat.

"Reputasi dia jelek, keluarganya kacau, latar belakang pendidikannya juga nggak jelas," timpal seorang supir angkot warga Karang Tengah, Cibadak Ujang (29).

Meski supir angkot, Ujang mengaku masih rasional memilih pemimpinnya. Seorang pemimpin harus punya moral dan modal untuk membimbing dan mensejahterakan rakyatnya.

"Kalaupun PDIP itu mau dari artis, kenapa nggak pilih Dessy Ratnasari saja, dia lebih bagus dari Ayu Azhari, asli sini lagi," cetus Ujang.

Lain orang lain pula isi kepala. Berbeda dengan dua opini di atas, pencalonan Ayu Azhari jadi Wabup malah didukung warga Sukabumi lainnya. Sebut saja Basri (25), karyawan swasta warga Cisaat ini mengaku sangat setuju bila artis Ayu Azhari maju di Pilkada 2010.

"Saya mah setuju saja, dia itu terkenal, keibuan, dan cantik," kata Basri.

Ia tak setuju dengan anggapan Ayu hanya mgandalkan pesona dan popularitas, namun nihil isi kepala. "Kita jangan menilai orang dari tampilan dan masa lalunya, dia bisa saja sudah berubah menjadi lebih matang dapantas jadi pemimpin," cetusnya.

Basri mengaku sempat ngefans kepada Ayu, dan mengoleksi beberapa foto-fotonya termasuk pose yang menantang. Namun, ia tak menganggap itu sebuah tindakan porno aksi, dan melanggar moral.

"Semua orang bebas berekspresi, ini cuma masalah beda cara pandang, paradigmanya beda," ujarnya.

Meski setuju dan mendukung Ayu, namun Basri tak ingin menjadi tim kampanye pemenangan pasangan Heriyanto-Ayu Azhari. "Saya cukup menyaksikan saja, masalah memilih atau enggak kan terserah masing-masing," tandasny

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Two Good Reads On Entry Level Leadership And Culture

Ramalan Nama Bintang Zodiak Cinta Horoskop This month, I read two books back to back: Soldier's Heart by Elizabeth Samet and Punching In by Alex Frankel. Both of these works are an excellent introduction into entry-level corporate culture and leadership development.

Soldier's Heart is a civilian English professor's take on the leadership culture of West Point, based on her 10 years experience as a faculty member. Professor Samet is in a rare, but well qualified position to pen Soldier's Heart. Only a fifth of the academy's faculty is civilian instructors; the rest are military officers on rotation or "regular Army." Samet's academic interest also makes her special; she has studied the dynamic of command and obedience in American literature.

Soldier's Heart is not the first work about West Point by a soldier or civilian, but it comes from the most interesting perspective: an outside working inside.

Soldier's Heart has a balanced look at the military culture. Samet writes that no cadet wants to be, in one cadet's words, a "non-thinking slasher," someone who would kill for the glory of war, or the sake of killing.

West Point is, and has always been, a literate culture. Classical literature through Armed Forces Editions educates and entertains soldiers in battle, and reinforces American values. She writes of books as weapons to spread ideas, and counter actions meant to curtail freedom. But she also states that tales of war talk of motherhood or a woman’s love for soldiers —but not a woman's love for soldiering. There is nothing about motherhood in the military culture, but there is the need to fight for mother.

The professor adds that today's military culture has conflated military missions with spiritual missions; soldiers become instructed to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith. However, that might be necessary instruction to lead at a time when officers, enlisted and veterans are questioning our nation’s involvement in Iraq, a war that they believe to be unnecessary.

This faith extends to open displays of the Seven Army Values: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage. Soldiers tape the Values to their dog tags. Soldiers also display the Soldier's Creed, officially posted in 2003:

I will always place the mission first
I will never accept defeat
I will never quit
I will never leave behind a fallen comrade.

The Values and the Creed are possible not only because of the culture, but also because our soldiers are professionals who have chosen to serve. Samet sites one Army study that mentions that professional soldiers still fight for each other, as they did, for example in World War II, but they also accept the responsibility that Army has entrusted to them.

The Army, as an institution, has had mottos and mission statements longer than most American businesses, and has a culture where everyone must live by them. Some of the most successful corporations have copied the military's strengths— and some of its imperfections. According to two online employment sites, GIJobs and CollegeGrad, 24 of the Top 50 Military Friendly Employers in 2007 also hired 100 or more college graduates for their entry-level positions. It is safe to say that these companies use the same values to develop and retain their entry-level and military transitional hires.

Which brings me to the next question: can those without the military orientation become as successful in these firms as those who have served with honor? The answer, according to Alex Frankel's Punching In, is sometimes, if you can get along to go along.

Values, missions, attention to detail and duty are part of the dialogue in Punching In, another work where an outsider looks inside, and serves on the front lines of indoctrination into corporate culture.

Frankel worked in entry-level customer service positions at United Parcel Service (UPS), Enterprise Rent-A-Car, The Gap, Starbucks and The Apple Store, took online aptitude tests with two retailers: Best Buy and Home Depot and went through the lengthy interview processes at The Container Store and Whole Foods.

Like the Army, these corporations try to engage and turn their workers into fanatical and loyal employees. Interestingly enough, he refers to front-line workers as the Brand Army of these firms and called UPS the Other Army, because of the company's esprit de coir and the spit and polish appearance of the front-line workers. Both the Army and UPS do not accept alteration, recreational display or desecration of their uniform.

Frankel respected UPS more than the other organizations, because their workers, especially the drivers, were the most trusted. He adds that this is necessary because UPS workers are all in the field. They can track their locations, but any problems must be solved on route. Each driver and their helper is like a platoon of soldiers; they must follow orders, but they have some lee way in how to execute them.

Frankel did not say the same about the other organizations. For example, he praised Enterprise's efforts to motivate workers to believe that they can advance from desk clerks to regional managers — though he adds that further advancement is less possible. The company hires approximately 8,000 entry-level employees, although the rest of the work force is no larger.

Frankel shows how Starbucks has become a "third place," a neighborhood-meeting place away from home and work, but believes this will be a difficult strategy to maintain because of the standardized appearance of the thousands of stores and employees. He considers Apple Stores to be an excellent setting for those who are already fans of the technology; they need little indoctrination and training as well. And he shows The Gap to be little different from other retailers who are loathed by retail workers, a company bent on standards and policies that put store design first, product second, credit card sales third and the employees last.

Like the Army, these organizations have a uniform, policies and shared values, but unlike the Army, they can hire and fire at will. It was interesting that Frankel conveyed the most respect for the organization that was the most like the Army.

Given UPS' success — the company maintains 80 percent market share against several large competitors, including the U.S. Postal Services — that's quite a complement for our troops and the men and women who lead them.

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

Are You Addicted To Your Lifestyle?

Ramalan Bintang has addicted in our lifestyle. With the percentage of overweight people increasing throughout the world, one has to think that their have to be more variables in play than just “fast food”. The world is hustling and with the advent of computers and the internet, the hustling is more informational and mental than physical. So, if the majority of us are trying to lose weight in some form or another, the main question we need to ask ourselves is “Are we addicted to our lifestyles?”

Bad Habits or Lifestyle Addition

If you are reading this right now, there is a huge chance that you are overweight. After all, studies show that 64.5% of Americans fall into the overweight category. (F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies are Failing in America, 2005)

Here are a few questions you need to ask yourself:

• Have you been trying to lose weight but seem to keep falling into the same rut?

• Do you constantly tell yourself that you need to lose weight but just can’t get around to it?

• Have you thought about losing weight, but keep telling yourself that it’s not a big deal?

• Do you ever lie to yourself and think that people should love you for you and not because of how big you are?

The funny thing is that no one saying yes to only a few of these questions. It’s either all or none. If you’ve said yes, congratulations: you’re addicted to your lifestyle!

Lifestyle addiction explained

Have you ever seen a drug addict or are you familiar with a person with an alcohol problem? Have you seen their struggles?

These people have huge problems getting away from those drugs. They need support networks and strong councelling just to make it through the day.

Now, of course, these are very strong physical dependencies. A lifestyle addiction would be classified as a psychological dependency. If would compare to “needing” your husband or wife when they leave you.

You know that you shouldn’t care and that you should just let go…but you can’t…and you can’t figure out why. Losing weight can, and often does, fall into this same category. Let’s say that you’ve been on an exercise and diet plan for 3 days but you break your plan on the third day. A drug addict would call that a relapse, right? You can see where I am going with this.

The Justification of a Lifestyle Addition

Let’s classify an addiction using these assumptions:

• An addiction is something that you don’t see as a problem, yet you get angry when someone else says it is (Doc says, “Hey Bob, you need to drop 20 pounds.)

• An addiction is a “rut” that you can’t get out of (I just don’t have time)

• An addiction is something that harms you in the long run, but is satisfying in the short run (Oh, that chocolate cake looks so good)

• An addiction is a problem that you can’t change because of “willpower”. (I just can’t seen to get motivated)

• An addiction is something that’s “too tough” to change (Twenty pounds, I’ll NEVER be able to lose that much)

Face it. If you need to lose weight, but just can’t take the time to get around to it, you are addicted to your lifestyle. It’s an ugly way to look at it. After all, who wants to be grouped in the same group as crack addicts, alcoholics, psycho boyfriends, and the such.

No one. But the premise is still the same. The ugly truth is still here no matter whose glasses you look at the world through.

Losing weight is a serious matter and it is about time you look at it that way. The shear fact that you might be having trouble doing it just reinforces this even more. Look, it’s your life and your journey.

Don’t lie to yourself anymore. If a doctor told you that you would die tomorrow if you didn’t get in at least 30 minutes of exercise today, would you go about your day and ignore the doctor (because he/she OBVIOUSLY doesn’t know what he/she is talking about) or would you immediately rearrange your day and find a way to get it done?

Think about all of the above definitions before you answer. I’d like to think you’d get off your butt and do something. After all…in this particular case…it’s do or die.

So…what are you going to do? amalan Bintang is addicted in our lifestyle.

Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

Advantages of using a Fictitious Business Name

Ramalan Nama Anda Nasib Watak Karakter. A fictitious business name is a legal term that refers to the name under which a business operates and presents itself to the public. It is also known as “Do Business As,” trade styles, or assumed business names. A fictitious business name is distinct from the legally registered business name. Companies with fictitious names give no indication of the business that is legally responsible for its operations.

Ramalan Nama In the US, fictitious business names are often used in conjunction with franchises. The franchisee operates under a legal name but operates its business under the franchise’s brand name.

An example would be a Mc Donald’s franchise with a legal name of “ABC Foods.”

Operating under a fictitious business name gives the company some benefits such as:

• The fictitious business name allows the use of a typical business name without the need for an LLC, corporation or partnership establishment.

• The company can use the fictitious name in its business phone listing, sales advertisements and contracts. It also allows a business to open a bank account and collect payments under the business name. It gives the business legal sanction to represent itself under a fictitious name. The filing process also notifies other companies that the business have used a particular business name for its operations.

• The business may also opt to conduct a single business concern under more than one name without setting up a separate business. This would result in a lot more savings compared to filing and maintaining multiple businesses at a time.

Most US states require businesses that use a fictitious business name for their operations to file a fictitious business name statement for consumer protection purposes.

This also reduces the likelihood that two local businesses would be operating under the same fictitious name.

One thing to remember though is that a fictitious business name statement is not a substitute for getting a trademark.

A fictitious business name statement carries no legal weight where trademarks are necessary.

Filing for a fictitious business name is very easy.

Although each state may have different requirements, generally a fictitious business name filings can be made by businesses or by individuals.

Typically, the following are applicable to a fictitious business name statement:

• Fictitious business name filings contain the name of the applicant, date of filing, the fictitious business name and address for the business.

• A name check to make sure that there is only one business with that name. The applicant must search through a database to make sure that the name has not been used.

• The form has to be filed with a fee ranging from $10 - $50.

• In California, filing for a fictitious business name also requires that a notice of the fictitious name

• Majority of banks also require for a fictitious business name to be registered before they allow transactions.

Filing for a fictitious business name statement is very simple and is an inexpensive process that allows a company to get a host of benefits for minimal costs.

For more help, consult a business attorney for assistance.

Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

Ramalan Bintang Yang Sesuai

Ramalan Bintang yang sesuai dengan kita sangat sulit juga mencarinya. Ketika kita membaca ramalan - ramalan yang ada di situs - situs, dan kita merasa ramalan yang dilakukan para astrolog tersebut kurang pas dengan hati kita, kita cenderung  untuk menyalahkan sang peramal bintang tersebut.

Ramalan Bintang ini, tak akan pernah menyerah melakukan setiap serangan dan tekanan serta dorongan, biarpun dengan kemampuan yang sangat terbatas juga kemampuan yang rendah dalam melakukan optimasi atau penguatan kata yang sering dilakukan oelh para master seo. Sebagai orang yang baru mengenal seo sedikit sekali atau dangkal, tentu saja cara serta gaya penguatan yang dilakukan penuh dengan kelemahan serta kekurangan yang nampak sekali bagi mereka ahli - ahli seo dan para pakarnya.

walaupun kemampuan yang dimiliki hanya sedikit sekali dan terbatas ini, tetapi dengan kemampuan yang sedikit dan terbatas ini, mudah - mudahan lama - lama bisa menjadi sebuah kekuatan yang cukup untuk bisa menguatkan kata dalam mesin pencari yang tidak ada ukuran yang pas dan pasti ini. Semoga saja dorongan yang tidak seberapa dan lemah ini, bisa meningkatkan posisi halaman tersebut di mesin pencari